Battlefield 1 icons on the right

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My number one takeaway from spending a bunch of hours with 'Firestorm' was that, in 2019, 'Battlefield' is still a really good franchise. When the game did finally matchmake me with other players, I was sent to a 'preround' loading screen that adds another full minute to the wait between matches. Not only does the game take a while to get out of the last match, but it takes even more time to get into a new one. That said, if I died quickly in a match, the amount of time to get into a new match is shockingly long. But in Firestorm for 'Battlefield 5,' there's plenty of time to carefully plan the rest of the match. In 'Apex Legends,' for instance, movement is so fast and fights are so fluid that there's little time to plan your next moves. That's both good and bad: The mode feels more tactical, and gameplay feels more deliberate as a result. It's a setting that outright slows down the already pretty slow pace of Battle Royale games. Weapons are of the era, as are vehicles - which is to say that there's a mechanical feeling to everything about the world. Given that 'Battlefield 5' is set in World War II, it's no surprise that the general feel of the game is slower paced.